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Making a difference nine months on: The Electrical Safety Roundtable and TrustMark Reporting Tool for unsafe electrical work.


Following a unique collaboration between the Electrical Safety Roundtable (ESR) and TrustMark, a tool for reporting unsafe and non-compliant electrical work was launched in January 2022. The tool allows electricians and homeowners/householders to report unsafe and non-compliant electrical work via a simple online form. Individuals from across Great Britain have used the form to help fill a data gap on the quality of electrical installations in homes.

According to data collected over the past 9 months, 68 percent of instances of unsafe electrical work reported were found in owner-occupied dwellings, while 28 percent were found in privately rented dwellings. This statistic illustrates a high level of risk in an area which currently has no legislation requiring electrical safety checks at specified times. The reporting tool results adds weight to the wider campaigning within the industry in relation to enhancing electrical safety standards in the owner-occupier sector.

Worryingly, 27 percent of all faults identified by electricians were classified as a Category 1 (C1) hazard. A C1 hazard poses an immediate threat to life. Pleasingly, in all but one case, where a C1 hazard was discovered, it was immediately reported to the occupier or landlord. Responders also submitted photographs of the unsafe work unearthed in addition to the forms which illustrate some truly shocking situations.

Simon Ayers, CEO of TrustMark, commented on the tools success: "The ongoing data collected continues to underline the need for improving the quality and standards of electrical installation work in homes across the UK, along with enhanced consumer protection.

Having a simple tool to enable homeowners, householders, and electricians alike to report unsafe electrical work means that these issues can be highlighted to help tackle key areas of skills, knowledge, and training."

Chris Pack, Chair of the ESR in the Home group, said: "The reporting form is an excellent addition to our arsenal for improving electrical safety standards in homes across the UK. Gathering data to quantify the need for change is critical to enacting reform. This easily accessible reporting tool allows for simple reporting of unsafe or non-compliant electrical work, and we encourage anyone who uncovers unsafe or non-compliant electrical work in their homes to use it. "

The tool's accompanying campaign has received positive feedback from the industry, with over 6,600 views to date, and is supported by key industry players such as NAPIT, BEAMA, and LABC. The results will continue to be monitored and analysed to help achieve the goal of improving electrical safety standards and enhancing consumer safety. We encourage all electricians, homeowners, and tenants to continue to use this tool to report instances of unsafe electrical installation work they come across, to help us build a better picture of the current level of electrical safety within homes throughout Great Britain.

Access the reporting tool here:

Visit the webpage for further advice here:

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