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Electrical Safety Roundtable Welcomes Launch of Registered Competent Person Electrical


The Electrical Safety Roundtable (ESR) has welcomed the launch of a new search facility and mark – designed to provide a single point of reference for consumers looking for an electrician as an important milestone for the electrical industry.

The industry group, which includes participants from the Chief Fire Officers Association, City & Guilds, LABC, the NAPIT Trade Association and other influential stakeholders, has been an outspoken proponent of the need to raise consumer awareness and the importance of using a registered, competent electrician since their inaugural Westminster meeting in June 2012.

Chris Bielby MBE, who chairs the Roundtable, said: Choosing a registered, competent electrician remains the simplest and also one of the most effective ways of ensuring electrical safety in the home.

At the very first meeting of the ESR, concerns regarding a lack of customer awareness were a common theme and it was noted that the lack of a central brand that consumers could recognise was a fundamental issue that needed to be addressed.

The launch of a single register where the consumer can search for all Full Scope Part P registered, competent electricians in England and Wales in one place dramatically simplifies the task of finding a local installer who has demonstrated their ability to work safely to legally required standards.

Registered Competent Person Electrical also means that the general public now have just one name and one recognisable mark to remember. Supported by all Electrical Competent Person Scheme Operators, Government and Electrical Safety First – a leading charity that is set to spear head a targeted awareness campaign – the new mark and register have the potential to dramatically increase awareness of the importance of using a registered, competent electrician.

For more information on the Electrical Safety Roundtable, visit: and to find out more about Registered Competent Person Electrical, visit:

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